Student SmartRider
Cornerstone Christian College is a registered school for Student SmartRider cards. Parents can order a Student SmartRider card for eligible primary and secondary students directly from the Monitor WA website. More information about SmartRider can be found on the Transperth website here.
For Primary students, the initial card is free and replacement cards are $5.00.
For Secondary students, the initial card or replacement card is $5.00.
Cards are issued with $0.00 balance, and you will need to add value to the card before using it.
To order a card with Monitor WA click on the link below.
Local Bus Routes and Timetables
Local school buses are managed by TransRegional. Timetables, route maps and fare guides can be accessed on the Public Transport Authority website. Public Transport Authority - Transregional.
Regional School Buses
If you live outside of TransRegional bus services, rural buses are also available via SchoolBus Services. For further information see the SchoolBus Services website. SchoolBus Services.